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- by Kevin R. Barrow
- [DAVE'S PREFACE:] Kevin wrote this
- paper for an English Comp class at
- Lamar Junior College. It is for people
- who are generally familiar with
- computers, but probably know little or
- nothing about networking. That is to
- say, LOADSTARites! The discussion is
- crisp and fast; you may need to read,
- ponder, and re-read. But by the time
- you are through, you will know a thing
- or two about LANs, WANs, packets, and
- topologies.
- There are various networks types,
- topologies, and media to meet the
- needs of any situation. To understand
- these concepts it is important to know
- that a computer network is a group of
- computers joined together by
- electronic means and programmed with
- communication protocols. A protocol is
- just a list of rules to make
- communication possible.
- The two most common types of
- computer networks are Local Area
- Networks (LANs), and Wide Area
- Networks (WANs). A LAN is a network
- over a small geographical area. It may
- be as small as a single workstation or
- desk that has two or more networked
- computers on it. However a LAN will
- usually cover an entire room, floor,
- building, or site.
- A WAN, on the other hand, covers a
- wide geographical area, but will often
- consist of only two remote points.
- Dialing into an Internet Service
- Provider (ISP) initiates a 'dial-up'
- WAN connection. But this is just one
- example of the various types of WAN
- links.
- Topology, both physical and
- logical, is the way the network is
- setup. Physical topology is the
- actual, physical configuration of the
- media, i.e. how and where the cables
- are run. A cable run is the path
- cables follow through the 'walls' of
- the building containing the network.
- The logical topology is more of an
- imaginary topology -- the way the
- network looks to the computers. A
- computer network may use different
- physical and logical topologies. For
- instance, the cables may be built in a
- hierarchical fashion but the computers
- may use a ring or bus media access
- mechanism thus having a physical bus
- topology and a logical ring topology.
- The various types of network
- topologies are Bus, Ring,
- Hierarchical, and Mesh. Any of these
- can be employed in either the physical
- or the logical sense.
- A network that employs a physical
- or logical ring topology is configured
- so that each computer receives
- packets, or network traffic, on a
- unidirectional token. Think of a mail
- cart moving around a track, picking up
- and delivering letters. Every computer
- on a ring network has two physical or
- logical connections. One is for
- incoming data and the other is for
- outgoing data. Operating in this
- manner is called simplex, because it
- is 'simple'.
- This type of network would be very
- similar to every member of group
- passing a pencil and a notebook around
- in a circle. If the token is empty a
- computer may decide to fill the token,
- placing data in it and passing it to
- the next computer. When the packet
- inside the token has reached its
- destination the computer will retrieve
- the data from the token, freeing it
- for another computers' use by passing
- on an empty token. If the token is
- full or the computer has nothing to
- transmit the unchanged token will be
- passed on to the next computer in the
- ring. A system like this works until,
- for whatever reason, a node no longer
- forwards the token to the next node.
- Ring topology are collision free.
- Collisions occur on other types of
- networks called broadcast networks. A
- broadcast network is similar to a
- party line or any time more than two
- people are talking on the same line.
- When two or more people speak
- simultaneously, they talk over each
- other -- creating confusion. A bus
- network topology is a great example of
- a broadcast network. On a broadcast
- network all network nodes are
- connected to a shared bi-directional
- medium (wire or electromagnetic
- waves). The traffic flows in both
- directions on a single cable.
- Unlike on a Ring network topology,
- any node on a broadcast network can
- send data directly to any other node.
- However this creates the potential for
- collisions. Collisions occur when two
- or more computers try to broadcast
- their packets at the same time. This
- would be like two trains headed
- towards each other on the same track,
- resulting in a crash when they reach
- each other. Fortunately computer
- engineers have created things like
- Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
- Collision Detect (CSMA/CD).
- CSMA/CD is a media access
- mechanism were a computer wishing to
- transmit first listens to the line,
- and only broadcasts when it does not
- detect another computer transmitting.
- A broadcasting computer listens for
- other computer transmissions because
- of propagation delays. Propagation is
- the time it takes a transmitted signal
- to reach the entire length of the
- media. When a collision is detected
- all the devices that are transmitting
- data must then cease transmission for
- a random delay before attempting to
- re-transmit. This ensures that the
- same collision does not occur again.
- Hierarchical topology1 is similar
- to a spoked wheel, with lines, or
- cables radiating out from a central
- node or connection point through which
- all traffic must pass. An extended
- hierarchical network will also have
- nodes that have their own hierarchy or
- spokes. This type of network is not
- easy to implement because each node
- has its own cable run. However,
- because it does not have a single
- shared cable to connect all the nodes
- in a room, building or campus, this
- makes the network much easier to
- segment, or divide, into smaller more
- manageable pieces. Most new networks
- use a physical hierarchical topology
- no matter what logical topology or
- media access mechanism they may use.
- Mesh topology is were every node
- on a network is directly connected to
- every other node. This configuration
- provides for multiple redundancies on
- a mission critical network Mesh
- topology is the most difficult network
- implementation to setup because it has
- so many interconnecting lines. For
- this reason, it is most often only
- used as a backbone or WAN topology.
- Imagine a pentagram with a five-
- point-star inside, each point
- representing a node, each line
- representing a connection. This
- illustrates how mesh topology connects
- all the nodes directly and indirectly
- to every other node on the network. A
- mesh network topology is not necessary
- unless the network traffic is of such
- a critical nature that a temporary
- failure or delay could result in
- irreparable damages, possibly even
- loss of life.
- Media, the transmission means of a
- computer network, is the physical
- environments though which transmitted
- signals pass to reach their designated
- destination. All network media will
- either be baseband or broadband.
- Baseband media is when the entire
- transmission capabilities of the media
- are dedicated to carrying a single
- signal; this does not mean that the
- entire available frequency range of
- the cable is used however.
- Broadband media is the opposite of
- baseband. The transmission
- capabilities of the cable are split
- into different frequency ranges called
- channels. The channels of broadband
- media are allocated to different
- signals. This may be for the purpose
- of carrying signals in both directions
- simultaneously, or carrying multiple
- signals. A DSL uses a type of
- broadband technology. It divides the
- frequency transmission capabilities of
- standard copper-wire phone line into
- three different channels. One channel
- of the DSL is dedicated to voice
- communications, the other two are
- allocated to bi-directional
- communications between a computer or
- network and the ISP.
- Several media types include --
- the "Atmosphere,"
- Unshielded/Shielded Twisted Pair
- (UTP/STP),
- Screened Twisted Pair coaxial,
- and fiber-optic cable.
- There are two coaxial cable types,
- thicknet and thinnet. Thicknet is a
- larger equivalent to what is used for
- cable, or satellite TV. Thicknet's
- primary use is as a LAN backbone, a
- cable that connects network segments
- which might be room-to-room,
- floor-to-floor, or building- to-
- building at a network site. It is more
- suitable for this purpose than thinnet
- because it has a longer transmission
- distance.
- The smaller version of coaxial
- cable called thinnet is very similar
- to a TV cable. The main difference
- between the cables is in the
- connectors used on the ends. Thinnet
- uses British Navel Connectors (BNC),
- which have a quicker release than the
- screw-on connectors of TV cable. Also,
- they are not as prone to being pulled
- off like the slip-on "quick connect"
- version for the TV. These media types
- are primarily used in bus and ring
- topology networks.
- UTP/STP and ScTP are all basically
- the same; they consist of multiple
- pairs of copper wire that are twisted
- together. The difference is that UTP
- cable is manufactured without any
- shielding from electromagnetic
- interference, whereas both STP and
- ScTP have some form of additional EMI
- shielding. STP and ScTP are therefore
- more expensive to manufacture. STP and
- ScTP have additional EMI shielding and
- can be used in areas were typically
- Twisted Pair media could not be used
- because of EMI interference. A
- location where TP media might be
- unacceptable would be around a
- generator or radio transmission tower
- because of the abnormally high EMI
- emissions.
- STP cabling has a metallic shield
- around each pair of copper wires and
- around the whole bundle. It is then
- encased in plastic. ScTP media will
- only have the outer metallic shield
- and plastic coating.
- UTP/STP media is now basically the
- standard for in-building wiring
- because the Cat5 and later
- specifications are capable of at least
- 100 Mbps (Megabits per second)
- approximately 5 MBpm (MegaBytes per
- minute).
- The Cat5 specification also allows
- for full-duplex operation when used in
- conjunction with a network switch.
- Full-duplex is where a computer can
- transmit and receive data
- simultaneously, as opposed to the
- standard half-duplex operation where a
- computer can either transmit or
- receive. Cat5 and Cat5e have become
- primary media implementation of new
- networks since the media is much
- cheaper than it used to be and allows
- the creation of a hierarchical network
- topology. In most cases today the
- benefits of using Cat5 or other
- UTP/STP cable out-weight the cost.
- Fiber-optic cables are strands of
- glass or plastic carrying laser light
- signals from end to end. Fiber-optic
- cable is a very fast and reliable
- media for signaling over long
- distances when compared to most other
- types of network media. Unfortunately
- fiber-optic cabling is expensive and
- often may require special technicians
- and gear to implement. Even so it is
- still a very popular backbone media.
- Fiber-optic cable can operate in
- single-mode or multi-mode. The
- difference between single-mode and
- multi-mode is how many laser light
- sources are used, and at what angle
- the laser is to the media. A
- Single-mode Fiber-optic cable uses one
- laser light source emitted directly
- into the cable end. Single-mode
- Fiber-optic cable is therefore usually
- thinner than its multi-mode
- counterpart.
- Multi-mode Fiber-optic cable uses
- different frequencies of light emitted
- at slightly different angles from the
- cable end, allowing the light to
- bounce around inside the cable to
- reach its destination.
- Wireless media networks use the
- 'atmosphere', Signals are transmitted
- by radio or infared to their
- destinations. Wireless networks are
- often the easiest to setup because
- they require little or no cable
- installation. Unfortunately more
- security risks exist with wireless
- networking than any other type of
- network media because anyone with the
- right Network Interface Card (NIC) can
- access the media and network traffic.
- The benefits of wireless operation
- out-weigh the security issues for some
- and wireless networks are becoming
- more and more secure. All that is
- necessary to implement a very basic
- network are two computers with
- wireless NICs Wireless communications
- are relatively new to computer
- networks and the specifications are
- still subject to revision and
- modification.
- KB
- 1 Networks are classified by what
- technologies they use to interconnect
- the network computers and devices
- also called network nodes or nodes.
- 2 Other types of computer networks
- include the Personal Area Network
- (PAN) and the Metro Area network
- (MAN)
- 1 Depending on the technology used
- this size might also be considered a
- 2 A wan is not limited to two end
- points however, this is just the most
- common configuration due largely in
- part because of dial-up, DSL, ISDN,
- and other similar WAN connections.
- 3 Other types of WAN Connections are
- the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
- Integrated Services Digital Network
- (ISDN), and the T-carrier systems,
- including a T-1, or fractional T-1,
- and T-3.
- 1 Singular media, one wire or cable
- 1 Hierarchical topology may also be
- called star or tree topology
- depending on how it is implemented.
- 2 Extended hierarchical topology is
- sometimes called daisy chain
- topology.
- 3 When a mesh topology is used only
- for a backbone or wan it is usually
- considered a partial mesh topology.
- 1 When referring to the atmosphere as
- media it is generally just called
- Wireless media.
- 1 Megabits per second
- 2 Megabytes per minute
- 3 A switch is a device for connecting
- multiple computers in a logical and
- physical hierarchical topology.